same as it ever was
BOYFR.: What did you have for dinner?
ME: Burrito.
M: What did you have for dinner?
B: Burrito.
I had a "caractère intraitable," and perverse to a miracle.
BOYFR.: What did you have for dinner?
How many fucking Interpols does the world need? I'll tell you. Just one. The one with the cute boys. Which is not this one.
I can't tell if Richard Butler's new solo stuff is actually pretty good, or if I just like it because I find his voice so affecting. If it's the latter, that seems unfair somehow. Although I'm not really sure to whom I think this is unfair. I guess to me?
Are Echo and the Bunnymen British? Holy crap, how did I not know that until just now?
Hello, babies. It's S, a, tur, day, night, and I'm at work doing data entry. Getting paid an ungodly amount to do overtime data entry. Which doesn't sound bad when I put it like that, but trust me, it's fucking torture. Which is why I'm pleading for anyone else who isn't actually having a life at this moment to give me something interesting to do while I type little numbers and clicky the mousey. Shosh is very kindly IMing with me even though she's trying to paint her walls right now, but the rest of you are going to have to pitch in too. Know any indie bands I might enjoy but haven't heard of because I'm not as cool as you? I want to hear them! Funny web comics? Who's the new Natalie Dee, guys? Anything good on YouTube? Christ almighty, anything.
I was just writing an email to the Idler featuring a somewhat over-the-top feminist rant (not directed at him, just sort of over his shoulder), and Gmail's ad banner kindly pointed out this article (as well as an ad for typing jobs) as something I might be interested in. Thanks, Gmail, you're a really good listener.
There was a time when the modern woman insisted her partner did 50 per cent of the housework — or iron his own shirts at least. But the postmodern female has more than made peace with doing the domestic chores, and has embraced housework as "mentally therapeutic", according to a survey.So glad we got through that "modern" time when us women were so tragically deluding ourselves about the benefits of housework. You know, I can't even remember that crazy time when "modern women" everywhere managed to successfully insist that housework be divided fairly! I must have blocked it out from the horror! But that's OK, because apparently, now we are in the bizarro postmodern times, and at least 59% of us have seen the light: cleaning is beneficial to a woman's mental health, because it helps us to feel in control of our lives. And it should not be at all worrisome that the only way 59% of women are able to feel like we control our own fucking lives is through the soothing activity of rearranging knicknacks.
One-third of all women claimed "cleaning gives them more satisfaction than sex".So why should a man bother trying to please his woman in bed at all when, clearly, the kindest thing is just to get his rocks off, hand the little lady a dust rag, and push her out of bed so she can get on to what she really enjoys?
I can't stop listening to this song.
Okay, so I'm going a little nuts tonight. I don't have to do math for an entire two months and I'm so excited that I'm staying up late and pouring my heart and soul into poorly-written but enthusiastic blog posts. Think of the bounty you'll receive when I'm done with the math class!
For the viewing pleasure of my fantastic readership, I took some photos this weekend at the scariest little shop in Santa Barbara (also known as Pacific Cove Doodads and Houseplants or something like that, I don't know — it's next to Chaucer's). Boyfriend and I were there on Saturday, and I could not stop freaking out about all the crazy shit they had. The place is a (casually raunchy) 8 year old's fantasy world. There were 50 different varieties of novelty pencil erasers. There were small plastic parachuting ninjas. There were small plastic parachuting aliens. There were keychains with rubber severed fingers on them. There were various figurines, animal and human, presenting their little tushes to the viewer in a very seductive fashion. And, most awesome of all, there was a pineapple plant. I ended up carrying several items around the store looking for a place out of the cashier's sight line to take pictures with my cell phone.
Well, I passed that motherfucker. I passed it with a vengeance. I passed it so hard. And I am now officially a College Student. So the tricky part is done now, right?
This is the last time I will ever need to talk about what search terms are bringing people to my blog. In fact, this may be a sign that it's time to hang up my blogging hat altogether.
Today, a 23-year-old told me that my new haircut makes me look 30. Then he guessed my actual age at 25. Tell me, what kind of devil tells a person she looks 30 when he knows she's still in her twenties? He also complained that he had to drive his wife's white Jetta today, which apparently is such a girly car that driving it for a single day just positively made his penis shrivel up and die. I threw him a pity party.
I saw my dermatologist this morning, a blonde woman with a hungry, oblique smile and a distressing tendency to anthropomorphize my moles. I asked her to remove one (too much information? sorry); this ended up being a 60-second process involving an injection, some unspeakable slicing, and the use of a device which I swear she referred to as an "auto-desiccator." I am officially creeped out by the medical profession.
Boyfriend, please start a blog. It's not like you have to say interesting things in order to get people to read it or anything. If my experience is any indication, you can pretty much just post a picture of a puppy once a week and caption it with some permutation of the word "fuck."
The email I just received, presented word for word, font for font, clip art for clip art. My guess is that the "fabulous little treats and prizes" will be fun things like rusty nails, poisonous snakes, or smallpox.
On Friday April 14th from 11 till noonwe will be having simultaneous Easter egg hunts at all offices before we close for the holiday!!Of course the eggs will contain fabulous little treats and prizes!!We will allot 4 eggs per person in each office.We are looking for a volunteer to hide eggs in the Thousand Oaks and Oxnard offices respectively.The volunteers will be compensated with 4 randomly chosen eggs each since this duty wouldlikely take some of the fun out of the hunt :-)Possible additional details to follow....Have A Fun Day!!~The ministry
Oh, dear. I am sorry about that last outburst. I was... er, angry. It had to do with work, and physical malaise (I'm bringing back "malaise," by the way), and you know, life in general or whatever. It passed.