it's almost over
So, I spent much of today (much of the last week, actually) studying for and then taking a test for my idiotic job. It sucked really hard, it gave me BIG black ass hickeys, but I passed that fucker and now I am free to eat Japanese food and get shitfaced tonight without feeling like instead I should be stabbing myself in the face, I mean studying.
I'm awfully fucking ready for this year to be over. I promise I will try to cut down on all the cussing soon. In the meantime, because I love to make lists, here are a couple for you:
My Most Depressing Moments of 2005:
- My gym closing.
- Saul Bellow's death.
- My car accident(s). Hey, yeah, funny story: around the beginning of this year, there was a Christmas tree on the freeway and I ran right into it. This caused me to buy a new car which, six months later, I crashed into a mattress on the freeway and then into another person's car. I'm sensing a lesson in this somewhere, but I can't... quite... make it out...
- Finding out Arrested Development is probably going to be cancelled.
- Got contact lenses.
- Joined a gym, figured out I sort of like to exercise.
- Got heavy into sushi.
- Discovered entire blogs dedicated to cute animals, and
- Completely checked out from my job.
- Turned 27, or as I like to call it, "Almost 30."
- Started a blog.