closer and closer

Tomorrow I take my Math final. That last exam I wasn't sure if I passed? 93.51%, babies. I am too sexy for my calculator. You may kiss my ring. Nooo, not that one, try again.
Tomorrow I also have to write an in-class essay on the thematic differences between Raymond Carver's stories and Altman's adaptation of said stories for Short Cuts. Let me just see if I can get this straight. In the stories, some common themes I've identified are:
- loneliness
- isolation
- sorrow
- divorce
- drunkenness
- sex
- violence
- envy
- wistfulness
- fishing.
- Tom Waits plays an excellent drunk. (I've said it before, and I'll say it again.)
- Robert Downey, Jr. is brilliantly deranged.
- In 1993, Tim Robbins looked shockingly good in motorcycle cop regalia (and I do mean shockingly; it's forcing me to question my entire belief system, folks).
- Black people are mean, unless they're married to white people, who appear to have a civilizing effect.
- Children die, except the disgusting ones.
- Lyle Lovett's hair has never, ever looked like it belonged on a human.
- You bastard. You bastard.
I am getting so drunk on Friday.
Oh they are TOTALLY connected. Allow me to illuminate:
*you've already got the drunkenness
*Bobby Jr.: lonely, isolated, sorrowful, possibly violent I don't remember, and there was assuredly sex
*cops always have to do with sex, it's an authority thing, and violence
*interracial couples have the best sex, which is why the regularly color-matched folk are so angsty
*children dying is sorrowful
*Lovett's hair is the most wistful accumulation of matter you ever did see
Does that help?
And can I rub your head and/or tummy for good luck, seeing as how you are too sexy for math and there is always the possibility that it is a contagious condition? Sweet.
This, this was a strange thing to walk into. I'll step away quietly.
Wish I could be here Friday to get drunk with you. Shall we celebrate again next week?
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